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How To Write Marketing Blogs Your Clients Actually Read

How To Write Marketing Blogs Your Clients Actually Read

By Justus Wakape

Mark Twain once said, "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority,it is time to pause and reflect."

You are most likely to have found yourself, or are simply trying to avoid being on the side of the majority. There are more than one million blogs written everyday, and the majority do not rank well in search engines, hence they never see the light of the day.

Analysis shows that more than 60% of marketers use blogging due to its high conversion rate. Therefore, blogging is a good way,if not the best way to market your business.

So how can your marketing blog stand out in a sea of myriad blogs? And how can the stats of success rates be in your favor?

Let’s take a look at the best ways you can give your blog some icing that will make it irresistible to readers.

1.Use attention-catching topics and titles

Readers would always give in to the temptations of immersing themselves into topics that resonate well with them. Topics that are trending or provide the information that readers want, but doing so in an engaging style are what your audience needs.

It's therefore imperative for you to identify the audience you want to attract, and then carry out due diligence to know exactly the type of topics that augur well with them.

2.Ease of reading

According to studies, more than 40% of the readers skim through a blog before deciding to read or ... leave.

If your blog is full of technical jargons that are hard to understand, it will fail to create the readership impression. Avoid using subheadings that are very lengthy; one word subtitles are certainly a 'no go' zone.

In addition, avoid a language that is too poetic. Readers want information that is easily grasped and to the point. Simple language with a conversational tone is more inviting.

Use ' Bucket Brigades' to keep the readers hooked up and desire to learn more from the content you provide.

3.Provide lessons and solutions to problems

People turn to the internet to get solutions to their problems. Thus it goes without saying that your blog needs to offer guides on how to overcome the readers' challenges in order for you to realize chances of success.

Get to know your audience, and their needs before giving them your content. And then customize the content of your blog to meet the expectations of the readers.

4.Use aesthetic format and styling

People get tired of reading long articles full of words. Avoid making your blog look like an old book of academia. We know that first impression matters.Try to make the content of your blog appealing to the eye.

Using infographics for illustration will provide a good break from wordy content and help in providing clarity. Be careful not to overuse this tool, so as not to appear to be unprofessional.

5.From SEO to CTA

You should know by now that SEO is key to the success of your blog.

For the purpose of good ranking, make sure that you include superb meta tags and long keywords. You should, however, link the keywords and phrases with the rest of the article. This will show your authority in the subject. 

Albeit SEO has been paramount when it comes to ranking, many readers are searching for great content. This means that SEO will not be the only determining factor to the success of your blog. A much better customer friendly approach is required... CTA.

Call To Action (CTA) is what transforms your blog into a marketing tool. By requesting your audience to: 'sign up', 'share' or 'learn more', you will be creating leads that will see your conversion rates grow exponentially.

Make your blog to not only have recurring visitors, but also compel your visitors to refer others.

So the question is 'how can you ensure that your marketing blog turns into a profitable business?' There are more sophisticated methods that are unknown to many and that will make your venture worth the effort.


  1. JOSEPH NGARI GICHOBIAugust 11, 2022 at 9:08 AM

    Great insight , I want to be a blogger like you

  2. Thanks for reading, Joseph. Kindly get in touch on


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